Hand Car / Truck Wash
Vacuum and wipe down interior dash, console, vents, etc.
Power-wash exterior, including wheel wells and all jams
Dry vehicle including door jams, trunk jam and hood jam
Clean all windows inside and out
Wipe down all exterior chrome and rims
Regular Size: Cars (2-3 hours) $39. 95 + tax
Options + tax: Hand Wax + $30.00 / Tire dressing + 10.00 / Rain-X Windshield + $10.00
Full Size: Trucks, SUV’s and Station Wagons (3-4 hours) $59.95 + tax
Options + tax: Hand Wax + $40.00 / Tire dressing + 10.00 / Rain-X Windshield + $10.00
Oversized: Mini Van, 3rd row SUV, Crew Cabs, lifted or ¾ Ton Trucks (3-4 hours) $69.95 + tax
Options + tax: Hand Wax + $50.00 / Tire dressing + 10.00 / Rain-X Windshield + $10.00
* Surcharges apply to excessively dirty and farm vehicles *